F2 Environmental Design

Rose F. Kennedy Greenway - Central Artery above the "Big Dig" - Boston

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Rose F. Kennedy Greenway is the park built over the “Big Dig” on the central artery of the financial district in Boston. This is a twelve acre public park system which is maintained completely organic land management techniques. When we started implementing the program here, the

Boxwood hedges were extremely stressed and there was very little root growth on the turf. We were able to more than double root mass on these landscapes, increasing plant health and decreasing water usage.

Boxwood in early spring, stressed to point of needing to be replaced.

After 2 applications of liquid biological amendment, boxwood have fully recovered.

Lawns before liquid biological amendment. Root depth 3 inches

Lawns after 3 liquid biological amendment applications. Root depth 16 inches

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©F2 Environmental Design